Nickel filter system at the Breslau hut in Oetztal Alps
Construction of a nickel filter system at the Breslau Alpine hut
Just in time for the opening of the new 2024 summer season, Hydroisotop fitters installed a nickel filter system at the Breslau hut. The Breslau hut is located at 2,844 m above sea level at the foot of the Wildspitze in the Oetztal Alps. The Breslau hut gets its drinking and industrial water from meltwater from the Wildspitze glacier. When the glacier melts, sulphur-rich rock is exposed. If this rock, which was previously covered by the glacier in the absence of air, comes into contact with the atmosphere, sulfuric acid is formed. The sulfuric acid can leach toxic elements from the rock, which are then carried along with the meltwater. This process, known as “acid rock drainage,” is responsible for an increased nickel concentration of approximately 60 µg/l in the feed water of the Breslau hut.
With the commissioning of the filter system at the Breslau hut, nickel can now be reduced significantly below the drinking water regulation limit of 20 µg/l. The water is processed in two stages: in order to shift the precipitation equilibria, the pH value of the water is raised in the first filter stage; In the second filter stage, nickel is finally removed adsorptively via a selective filter material. From now on, returning hikers and mountain guests can enjoy the treated glacier water in the Breslau hut without any worries.