About us
Please send your requests for quotes to info@hydroisotop.de
CEOs and owner of Hydroisotop GmbH
Dr. Florian Eichinger (Managing Director)
Nuclear waste repository investigation, geothermal energy, isotope geochemistry, mineralogy, filter technology
Franziska Eichinger (Managing Director)
Accounting, human resources management
Dr. Peter Rose (authorized representative)
M.Sc. Environmental Protection and Agricultural Food Production
Filter technology, water treatment, water damage
Michael Heidinger
Isotope hydrology, hydrogeology, isotopy of organic pollutants (HCH)
Erich Binder
Drinking water protection area, hydrogeology, isotope hydrology
Branch Emmendingen (Baden-Württemberg)
Dr. Christian Mair
Hydrogeology, hydrogeochemistry, modeling, geothermal energy, tracer tests, mineral water
Dr. Gesine Lorenz
isotope hydrology, isotope geochemistry, hydrogeochemistry, hydrogeology, radioactivity, nuclear waste disposal Investigation,
isotope methods in the food and agrar sector, authenticity, portion of biogenic carbon in renewable resources
Dr. Siegmund Ertl
Isotopy of organic pollutants (HCH, BTEX, pesticides)
Georg Schießl
Medicinal water, mineral water, exploration, air quality of Spas
Dr. Peter Rose
M.Sc. Environmental Protection and Agricultural Food Production
Filter technology, water treatment, water damage
Vera Hehn
Hydrogeology, medicinal and mineral water
Dr. Vera Winde
geologist, biologist
Hydrogeology, water damage, mineral water
Friedrich Cammerer
Deep boreholes for geothermal energy and mineral water production,
equipment and design of pump system and data sensors
Branch Bad Urach
Felicitas Ungureanu
M.Sc. Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology
isotope hydrology, hydrogeology, water damage, radioactivity
Dr. Stefan Wechner (Lab head)
food chemist
Quality management
Andreas Auernhammer (deputy lab head)
water chemistry, isotope analysis
Dr. Andreij Voropaev (Isotope lab)
Isotope analysis of gas, water, oil, solids, food
Gazinur Mingazov (Isotope lab)
Isotope analysis of water, oil etc.
Aigul Nizamova (Isotope and chemistry lab)
Wasser chemistry, isotope analysis
Ekkehard Schein (Quality management)
chemical engineer
Water chemistry, sampling
Peter Maier (IT)
chemical assistant (CTA)
IT, technics, gas analysis, isotope analysis
Julia Kreitmayr
chemical assistant (CTA)
Water chemistry, chemistry lab
Dr. Dagmar Rohrmeier-Bauer
chemistry lab
Shavin Farho
Isotope analysis, analysis of solids, portion of biogenic carbon in renewable resources, social media
Gabriella Haris
environmental and heavy industrial engineer
Isotope analysis, water chemistry
Veronika Kaindl
chemical assistant
Water chemistry, chemistry lab
Martin Niedermeier
chemical assistant (CTA)
Sampling, isotope analysis
Astrid Kettner
pharmaceutical helper
Isotope analysis
Janet Wohlgemuth
Isotope analysis
Alexandra Kluth
Isotope analysis
Werner Stadtherr
Technics, gas analysis, isotope analysis
Beate Hoelzl-Kirchberger
Mag. biology and geology
Rock lab, air monitoring
Dr. Anton Empl
Radioactivity analysis
Manfred Graf
electronics engineer for industrial engineering
Sampling, technics, water chemistry, chemistry lab
Louisa Rupprecht
chemical assistant
Water chemistry, chemistry lab
Sahra Egert
trainee as chemical assistent
Water chemistry, chemistry lab
Karin Mittermüller
photo laboratory assistant, paediatric nurse
Isotope analysis
Oksana Summerer
Isotope and chemistry lab
Franziska Eichinger
Accounting and human resources
Josefine Steiger
Secretariat and provision of sampling containers
Carina Grabmair
Secretariat and receipt of samples