Areas of Work
The petrological and geochemical characterisation of rocks, soil, precipitations, and construction materials are very important for the evaluation of natural ground and pore water systems, the sustainable usage of geothermal energy plants as well as the appraisal of concrete loss.
Our work spectrum covers the analysis and the following evaluation, interpretation, and consulting in this area:
- petrographical evaluation of solids (reflected-light and transmitted microscopy)
- analysis by X-ray methods (XRD, XRF) and acid extractions
- determination of petrophysical parameters (porosity, water content, density, compressive resistance, water penetration depths)
- isotopical characterisation of solids (e.g. sulphur, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, strontium, uranium, and thorium isotopes).
The petrographical and petrological characterisation of rocks, which are in permanent contact with groundwater, especially in fractured aquifers, provides important information about the input of elements into groundwater. Groundwater and meteoric water reacts with the rock until chemical equilibrium between the two systems is achieved. For example, the solution of carbonates results in the formation of karst systems over geological time periods. Also, petrogenetic minerals such as feldspar and mica are dissolved from crystalline rocks due to water-rock-interaction (Fig. 1). This causes input of different elements into groundwater.
Fig. 1: Water-rock-interaction (water on Grimsel granodiorite).
The modal mineral composition (Fig. 2), fluid inclusions (Fig. 3), and the chemistry of rocks provide information about the composition of hydrothermal palaeo waters which have circulated once in the aquifers. These information play an important role in the palaeohydrological evaluation of hydrogeological systems and in the prospection of secondary ore deposits.
The analysis of isotopes of petrogenetic elements offers a valuable tool for the interpretation of water-rock-interaction. The analysis of δ13C of carbonates, the 86Sr/87Sr ratio of feldspars as well as δ34S of sulphates (e.g. gypsum) and sulphides (e.g. pyrite) provides hints concerning the genesis of these minerals. In combination with the isotopy of dissolved compontents information about possible water-rock-interaction can be derived.
The isotope ratios of trace elements like uranium and thorium are important tools for the dating of rocks. These methods are commonly used in petrology.
The knowledge about the mineralogical and chemical composition of rocks is also important with respect to dating of old groundwaters using noble gas isotopes. Specific isotopes of the elements uranium, thorium, potassium, and lithium which are present in petrogenetic minerals in different concentrations decay to noble gases. In situ produced noble gas isotopes are released into porewater and further into groundwater. Based on the knowledge about the age of the rock, the element concentration in the rock, and the noble gas isotope concentration in the rock and in the water the age of very old waters can be estimated.
Detected contents of organic pollutants and heavy metalls are often present in soils of abandoned industrial sites or shooting ranges.
Orienting investigations of organic, inorganic, and radioactive anthropogenic pollutants in soils are a key for the evaluation of such contaminations as well as for the development of concepts of remedial actions.
Fig. 1: Soil investigation.